Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Job!

This past Monday John had an interview for Reach Academy in Roseville. Later that day he was offered the position, and started the next day. We are both very excited for John to be offered a position even before he completed his student teaching. His advisers at Wayne State have been very supportive. Although it has been very overwhelming for John to step into a position at the end of the year and without any preparation, he has taken it on full force and is loving every minute. We are both positive that this new opening will lead to bigger and better things for our family and we are excited for the future and the growth of John's new career.


Mommyto3 said...

Yay, very excited for you all!

Dan and Kate plus Nate said...

Yeah! That is so awesome! Congrats. Hopefully Dan will be just as lucky!!

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